Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Due Date

Well August 29 came and went yesterday with very little excitement.  It was Adeline's due date...the day we'd been looking forward to since we first saw her as a tiny bean on an ultrasound way back in January.  Knowing that most babies don't come on their "due date," I wasn't really expecting that she would, but I can't lie and say I wasn't a little bit disappointed.  I'm a pretty patient person, but I have definitely experienced bouts of impatience the past few days.  I have learned that when I call anyone at this point I have to immediately say "nothing going on" and if I don't answer my phone, people assume I've gone into labor.  Andrew offered to try and find us a boat yesterday to bounce me over some big waves since there aren't many train tracks around here like there are at home.  But then again we don't want to have to call in the Coast Guard...

In trying to pass the time, I've loaded my Nook with plenty of new books, unpacked and repacked hospital bags, taken our twice daily walks, and cleaned once again.  Oh and I've watched one too many episodes of "A Baby Story."  Andrew and I are working on recording us reading books so that we can play them for Adeline whenever we aren't at the hospital so she'll hear our voices.  We go back to the doctor in the morning so we'll see what they say if nothing happens before then.  Several people have said they think it'll be tomorrow so who knows...all I do know is that at this point it'll be sometime very soon!

As much as I'm ready to meet our baby girl, there's so much anxiety surrounding this time.  It's so hard knowing that she's perfectly healthy inside of me, but once she's born she's going to need surgery.  I don't want her to have to fight the battles that are ahead and go through so much, but thankfully she won't remember any of this once she's older.  We know she's a definite fighter, and as much as she moves around, I know she's going to be feisty (and hopefully with the red hair to match)!  For now we're praying for peace and patience as we wait and for the doctors and nurses who will take care of our daughter.  We know that Adeline is completely in the hands of God, and this is the truth that we have to rest in.

"Not only so, but we rejoice in our sufferings, because we know suffering produces perseverance; perseverance character; and character, hope.  And hope does not disappoint us, because God has poured out His love into our hearts by the Holy Spirit, whom He has given us."  Romans 5: 3-5

"Find rest, O my soul into this world.  God alone; my hope comes from Him.  He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken."  Psalm 62: 5-6


  1. That is such a great idea to record yourself reading to Adeline! We are praying for ya'll.

  2. Your strong faith is serving you well - keep it up!

  3. Your faith and love in Christ will keep you and Adeline safe and strong!
    "Thou will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee."
    Isaiah 26:3
